Tuesday, October 6, 2009


High in the Swiss Alps... actually, about 2,500 feet that is. Took the train from Stresa to Brig - changed to Spiez - changed to Interlacken - went to the 18th floor of the Metropole for lunch. $164 later, we descended, walked back the the station and caught the train to Lauterbrunnen. Our hotel (Staubbach) is wedged between two veritcal walls. Imagine sitting in the parking lot of Multnomah Falls and looking up at the falls. Staubbach Falls are across the street from our hotel and they have to be at LEAST twice as high as Multnomah. It's expensive here. Let me restate that... ya better bring three paychecks and coupla Visa cards. The Swiss franc is roughly the same as the US dollar. 1/2 liter of bottled water... 3.80 SF. So, you see, 164 SF for lunch fits perfectly. We're only here for two nights... can't afford any more. Hiking and train rides tomorrow. I'll try to post some pics. Ciao 4 now. P

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