Thursday, May 4, 2017


On Tuesday, we went to Bath and saw the Fashion Museum - Christ, how could i forget that red letter day.  But before that, my sibs wondered into the Bath Abbey/Church/Altar - whatever it was.  So I hung outside in the courtyard, next to the entrance to the Roman Baths Museum.  I spied a bench, occupied by a white haired gentleman.  I sat down and we exchanged words.  His name was Chuck, from The Netherlands and we was visiting his daughter.

His wife and daughter appeared and they headed off to buy a dress.  We continued to talk.  Then, Chuck leans into me.  He plants his face no more than 6 inches from mine.  He looks me in the eye, and in a loud whisper says..."your president is in the news everyday.  What is going on over there?"
I shrugged... I explained that less than 60% of registered voters even bothered to vote.  And that Clinton won 53% of the popular vote.  He looked bewildered.  

As I thought about that conversation, I realized that Amerikans got what they wanted.  Amerikans loved to be entertained, so they elected an entertainer, just like Ronnie Raygun.  So, good luck y'all.

I like spelling Amerika with a K.  A lot of Eastern European countries spell it that way. K is more powerful than a C.  Think about it... KKK, f@#K, Kill, Kickass, Kryptonite, the list goes on. Should have named my daughter NiKole, but that was a couple of lifetimes ago.

Chagford tomorrow, in the heart of Dartmoor National Park.  

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