Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Don't go back...

Today was a pissing rain day.  A steady "ya better run to the car" type of day.  So we lazed around the hacienda, catching up on New Yorker's, utube videos, Facebook, etc.  When you are here for a month, a day of doing nothing is totally acceptable, at least in my book.
Decided to visit a Nat Trust site called Chastleton.  This was a manor build in 1605.  Just a regular family lived there - no royalty.  The place slowly disintegrated.  In 1991, the owners turned it over to the National Trust, as is.  So you walk into this place and its old and decrepit and it's never been restored.  They just fixed it up enough to preserve it.
It was depressing.
I was done in an hour.  My sisters took 2.5 hours to complete it.  I napped in the car.  And worked on the NYT crossword.  Such is my life in the Cotswolds, kewt beyond belief, but wearing a bit thin.  Gives me time, though, to contemplate life and things...

Pics follow:
The grand entry hall

A 22 meter room in the attic.  The children played badminton here. A great room to walk on a rainy day.

The stairway to the third floor.  Chipped paint and all.

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